Design hotel in the city center
  Tyršovo nábrežie 1, Košice 040 01, Slovensko
  +421/55/795 11 00
Design hotel in the city center
  Tyršovo nábrežie 1, Košice 040 01, Slovensko
  +421/55/795 11 00

Gourmet stay at Yasmin****

Accommodation in De Luxe room, breakfast and romantic dinner in steak house Montana will sweeten the stay with your loved one.


Package includes:

• accommodation in De Luxe room
• buffet-style breakfast
• 2 hours private entry to hotel SPA centre
• parking in the garage and Wi-Fi

• 3-course dinner for two people


229 /per 2 persons/night*
*The offer is valid only during weekends and holidays

Reservation: +421/55/795 11 00 ; +421 907 305 497;